Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 27: International Idol Grand Finale!

Week Three of the four-part marathon series, International Idol, rocked the Soo Theatre stage this past Sunday. Contestants were dared to go beyond their own personal expertise and work with one of their rivals in the Duet Challenge.

The caliber of talent was never questioned; nevertheless, some duos showed more polish than others. Two by two, they wowed judges and audience alike. After six duets, the assembled crowd was duly impressed. Then, the final pairing of Week Two's winner, KT Antler and her handpicked partner, Michael Williams, took the competition to an entirely new level. Even in its own era, Grease never looked or sounded so good. Those assembled reacted the only way appropriate with the first standing ovation of the International Idol competition.

Three weeks have elapsed. One to go.

Nineteen contestants have graced the stage. Thirteen remain.

Week Four's final performance is up to the competitors. After weeks of challenges and expert critiques by the judges, the competitors are now the ones who have to decide what they will do to prove that they are indeed the best performer in the Twin Saults.

Who will win the grand prize of $1,000 recording time at Lake Street Studio? Will it be the rock band leader, opera singer, pre-sporting-event national anthem specialist, middle school student, or one of the other incredibly talented performers?

To find out you need to be at Soo Theatre stage this Sunday, July 27th at 6:00 p.m. for the grand finale of International Idol.


For more information on the contest, see the previous posting.

Photos from Week 1 of the Contest

Photos from Week 2 of the Contest

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